Supply Chain Intelligence about:

60 Tesla Irvine Ca 92618

Company profile   United States

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Top countries/regions supplied by 60 Tesla Irvine Ca 92618
Destination Country/Region
  • South Korea
    50 shipments (100.0%)

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U.S. Export Customs records organized by company

50 U.S. Export shipments available for 60 Tesla Irvine Ca 92618
Date Shipper Weight Containers
2013-04-18 60 Tesla Irvine Ca 92618 109679 KG 5
2013-04-11 60 Tesla Irvine Ca 92618 108380 KG 5
2013-04-11 60 Tesla Irvine Ca 92618 78399 KG 4
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Contact information for 60 Tesla Irvine Ca 92618
