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Siemens Financial Services Pvt., Ltd.

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  • Turkey
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Recent Panjiva Research about Siemens Financial Services Pvt., Ltd.


Siemens Energy activity spins up as renewables tailwind continues

The spin-out of Siemens Energy comes ahead of the new company’s earnings on Nov. 10. Panjiva’s data can provide a guide to activity in the power generation and distribution equipment industry. Panjiva’s data shows that U.S. seaborne imports linked to Siemens Energy climbed by 20.1% year over y... Read more →


Siemens Powers Ahead in Mexico, Room To Grow Further

Siemens plans to invest $200 million in Mexico, and sees up to $40 billion of investment opportunities in the power sector according to local press reports. Panjiva data shows it is already experiencing success in Mexico, with a 13% increase in imports in the fourth quarter in the power networ... Read more →