10 Billion Yuan Deal Helps Guangxi Exports, Pacific International’s Shipping Growth — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

10 Billion Yuan Deal Helps Guangxi Exports, Pacific International’s Shipping Growth

China 2971 Corp - Ports 880 Corp - Shipping 976 Mode - Containerized 1468 Mode - Seaborne 1801 U.S. 5317

The government of Guangxi Zhuang may include a free trade area as part of the logistics developments being made by Pacific International. The investment will total 10 billion yuan ($1.6 billion) and will help local economic development. Exports from the province surged 23% higher in the 12 months to November 30. While better than the national average that only returned shipments to 8% above 2015 level. The province’s export growth was led by seaborne shipments to the U.S. (25% of the total) which surged 93% due to higher sales of telecoms network equipment. The development should help PI...

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