China Leaves Door Open to U.S. Trade Talks, Deficit Will Drive Sentiment — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

China Leaves Door Open to U.S. Trade Talks, Deficit Will Drive Sentiment

China 2970 Tariffs 1793 Trade Deals 1000 U.S. 5316

The Chinese government has reiterated its hawkish stance towards the newly launched section 301 review of its intellectual property practices by the U.S., confirming it will take “all necessary measures” to defend its rights and interests. The confirms the potential for retaliation depending on the U.S. review – though the review will take some time to complete with hearings only due at the end of October. In the meantime China has left to door open to continuing the “one year plan” for expanding trade between the two countries. The U.S. position on that could depend simply on the develo...

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