“Make In India” Reaches Textiles, Doubling Duties and Jeopardizing RCEP — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

“Make In India” Reaches Textiles, Doubling Duties and Jeopardizing RCEP

Bangladesh 36 China 2971 Cons. Discr. - Apparel 494 India 512 Tariffs 1794

The Indian government has doubled import duties on 328 apparel, textile and flooring products to 20% in response to a surge in imports. Higher duties have been a common strategy in the “Make in India” policy to protect the development of domestic manufacturers. That follows a 57% increase in imports of the broad categories of products covered to reach $972 million. The largest exporters affected are from China, which accounted for 36% of the total, and Bangladesh (23%). The imposition of duties will also complicate RCEP negotiations with China and disrupt the supply chains of hosiery (11...

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