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Samsung Electronics America Inc.

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Smartphone Importers Dial G for Growth in June

U.S. mobile phone imports grew 9.2% in June after falling for most of the past year. This resulted from increased imports from China, though apparently not from Apple-supplier Foxconn. Imports were boosted by shipments from South Korea and Vietnam, suggesting phones from Samsung Electronics an... Read more →


Samsung Launches Phones, Keep an Eye on Import Data

Samsung launched its updated Galaxy S7 range yesterday, including iris-scanning and waterproofing. Ahead of the launch Samsung Electronics significantly increased its exports to the U.S. of phones from South Korea and Vietnam according to Panjiva data. Imports from those two countries increase... Read more →


Samsung Winning Phone Wars in Shrinking Market

Smartphone imports in late spring are traditionally slow – this year customers await new products from Apple, and Samsung’s Galaxy updates are not yet available. New devices are needed to excite the market as market forecaster IDC expects mobile phone shipments globally to slow to 3.1% in 2016... Read more →