Discover the emerging market of... Brazil Trade Data


5,800,000+ shipments

In each shipping record, you’ll find information on commodities transported, weight in both kilograms and metric tons, and HS / NCM code classification. Our records date back to 2014.

Latin America’s Largest Economy

Brazil is the largest economy in Latin America and one of the top ten largest in the world. Panjiva is the first platform to offer Brazil trade data at the shipment level.

Speak with a Panjiva account executive about Brazil Trade Data.

Track the Competition

Whether you are importing, exporting, or providing freight services, you can better understand what your competitors’ activities are in the Brazilian marketplace.

Consignee Summary Report

Solutions for Freight Service Professionals

Use our shipment-level data to find details on NVOCCs, port names and LOCODES, SCACs, and other details that will help you improve efficiency.

Shipment Profile

Speak with a Panjiva account executive about Brazil Trade Data.