Plywood tariff evasion evidence plentiful, finding bad actors a challenge — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Plywood tariff evasion evidence plentiful, finding bad actors a challenge

Ags - Forestry 124 Cambodia 23 China 2971 Materials - Construction 113 Tariffs 1794 U.S. 5317 Vietnam 374

The U.S. government is investigating potential tariff circumvention in imports of hardwood plywood from Vietnam. The widespread use of import duties by the Trump administration may lead to a proliferation of such issues. There has been a clear shift in imports to the U.S. away from Chinese suppliers and toward those in Vietnam. Shipments from China represented 9.3% of U.S. hardwood plywood imports in the 12 months to April 30 compared to 59.6% in 2016. Those from Vietnam increased to 23.8% in the past 12 months from 1.8% in 2016. Shipments from Cambodia also surged. There’s been a surpri...

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