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Aurora International Logistic Co., Ltd.

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  • Brazil
    14,031 shipments (100.0%)

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Recent Panjiva Research about Aurora International Logistic Co., Ltd.


JBS faces fewer disruptions as China cuts import restrictions

Food supply chains, particularly for meat, have been disrupted by tighter sanitary standards, a shortage of transportation capacity and uncertain demand patterns during the pandemic. At least one challenge has been alleviated as the Chinese government has relaxed packaging related restrictions... Read more →


Brazillian Butchers JBS, BRF May Be Helped By China Meet-Up

China is set to increase the number of import licenses available to Brazillian meat suppliers as part of a state visit next month. That could be negative for U.S. farmers if a China-U.S. trade deal isn’t reached. A China-Brazil deal comes as total Brazilian meat exports have stagnated in the p... Read more →