North Korean Coal Sacrificed for Good of China Trade Deals — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

North Korean Coal Sacrificed for Good of China Trade Deals

China 2979 Energy - Coal 65 Energy - Conventional 449 Energy - Refined Oil 198 Metals - Copper 70 North Korea 42 Sanctions 163 Trade Deals 1000

China’s government will abide by the recent UN Security Council resolution restricting North Korea’s coal exports, at least through the end of the year. China’s imports of these were worth $1 billion in the past 12 months, and had jumped 70% in October on a year earlier, Panjiva data shows. Yet, the North Korean volumes represented only 11% of China’s total imports. The move will also help China’s push to secure regional trade deals in Asia, including with potential partners Japan and South Korea.

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