Panjiva Daily: Trump’s path to early USMCA signing and the struggles of ONE and COSCO — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Panjiva Daily: Trump’s path to early USMCA signing and the struggles of ONE and COSCO

Global 1389 Panjiva Daily 723

The incoming Mexican government have indicated they want a deal on metals duties before signing USMCA ahead of schedule. ONE and COSCO were the worst performing liners on U.S.-inbound routes in September. Kansas City Southern is helped, and hindered by oil products. Also: Kent may steer bike production towards America; Caterpillar downplays tariff risks; Brazil pursues China as sugar exports turn sour; Deadpool saves the day for Marvel this Halloween; Trump-Xi meeting set for G20, off-ramp not yet built; DSV backs away from Ceva but consolidation is still on the cards; and HMM joins CMA-...

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