Trump’s Turkey Tool Could Be 4x As Effective If Deployed Against China and Russia — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Trump’s Turkey Tool Could Be 4x As Effective If Deployed Against China and Russia

China 2970 Materials - Metals/Mining 750 Metals - Aluminum 247 Metals - Steel 512 Russia 118 Tariffs 1793 Turkey 64 U.S. 5316

U.S. Commerce Secretary Ross has confirmed President Trump’s decision to double section 232 duties on Turkish metals exports was driven by national security concerns. With Turkey only having accounted for 2% of U.S. imports of s232 steel and aluminum further countries might be targeted to deliver the administration’s goal of cutting imports and improving U.S. production. While U.S. imports fell 22% in July vs. March that only left imports in the past three months 8% below the first quarter’s level. A more significant drop may require a widening of the higher duties to other countries whe...

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