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Bacardi Martini Group

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Recent Panjiva Research about Bacardi Martini Group


Counting the Cost of Tariffs – October 2019 in 10 Reports

The month of October may be remembered for the major trade policy event that didn’t happen, with Brexit averted at the end of the month. Our assessment of the continued political uncertainty and post-Brexit tariff landscape was one of the most read Panjiva research reports in October. Aside fr... Read more →


Bacardi Needs Sapphire to Shine to Catch Pernod, Diageo in India

Sales of gin in India are beginning to accelerate, with Bacardi’s Bombay Sapphire being an increasingly popular brand according to press reports. The process of expansion is still at a relatively early stage with total spirits imports to India climbing 19.2% year over year in the 12 months to ... Read more →