ADM leads Brazil’s soybean off-peak slump as Chinese imports slip — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

ADM leads Brazil’s soybean off-peak slump as Chinese imports slip

Ags - Grains/Beans 300 Brazil 400 China 2988 Consumer Staples 769 U.S. 5335

Brazil’s soybean exports have collapsed during the off-peak season. A shortage of stocks contributing to a surge in global soybean prices. While the recovery in China’s hog herd has driven the growth in global demand this year, imports to China dropped by 21.1% in December after seven months of growth, potentially taking some pressure off. Brazil’s exports had already started to decline in late 2020 with a 50.8% slide in the three months to Nov. 30 including the lowest level of exports for a single month since 2016 in the month of November. Archer Daniels Midland’s (ADM) exports dropped ...

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