Fish the latest frontier in U.S.-China rivalry — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Fish the latest frontier in U.S.-China rivalry

Ags - Meat/Dairy 255 China 2989 Consumer Staples 769 Sanctions 164 U.S. 5336

U.S. Customs and Border Protection issued a Withhold Release Order covering imports associated with Dalian Ocean Fishing in regards to allegations of forced labor. This is the 34th active measure against China using the tool since 1992 and the 10th since the start of 2020. It will further test relations between the U.S. and China. Aside from Dalian Ocean Fishing, the move will likely lead other importers from China to validate the source of their supplies to avoid holdups in customs. It may also further reduce U.S. imports of fish from Chinese sources which already dropped by 12.4% year ...

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