Shipbuilding’s First $10 Billion Month Since 2012 Driven by Korean Finance — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Shipbuilding’s First $10 Billion Month Since 2012 Driven by Korean Finance

China 2979 South Korea 581 Theme - Shipbuilding 108 U.S. 5325

Shipbuilding exports from South Korea, China and Japan combined jumped 28% on a year earlier in June. That took the total through $10 billion for the month, the first time that has happened since June 2012. Exports from South Korea led, with a 43% leap to a new all-time record. That growth may continue after shipyards doubled their orders on a year earlier, likely due to government-supported financing. China’s shipyards increased exports by 9%, but with order-books at their lowest since at least 2011 they may struggle to continue growing.

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