Supply Chain Research — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Showing research about Mode - Rail


Supply Chain Edge: Tariffs made a comeback, flooding in Brazil

• New tariffs by the US administration of President Joe Biden look to shore up some of the gaps in the Section 301 and 201 implementations on China, targeting batteries, electric vehicles (EVs), solar panels, gantry cranes and more. Batteries are the most affected, with 71.5% of US imports fro... Read more →


Supply Chain Edge: Shipping rates reverse, AI saves the day

• Logistics networks are continuing to adapt in the face of ongoing disruptions to shipping through the Red Sea, including reduced services for Indian exporters, a shift in timing of expected deliveries and container rates that are in decline. Consumer goods firms across apparel and home appli... Read more →


Time for phase two: Mexico as a supply chain reshoring center

• Mexico has been at the forefront of supply chain reshoring since the enactment of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1994. The electrification of the automotive industry, rivalry between the US and mainland China and post-pandemic resilience investments raise the question as ... Read more →

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