Supply Chain Edge: Navigating forests, strikes ahead, localized Lego — Panjiva

Supply Chain Edge: Navigating forests, strikes ahead, localized Lego

Ags - Forestry 130 Ags - Grains/Beans 304 Ags - Softs 137 Brazil 402 China 3000 Cons. Discr. - Apparel 512 Cons. Discr. - Autos 1207 Consumer Staples 775 Earnings 744 Energy - Conventional 452 Energy - Natural Gas 153 European Union 845 India 529 Indonesia 106 Info Tech - Tech Hardware 825 Malaysia 150 Materials - Construction 117 Materials - Packaging 56 Mexico 896 Mode - Rail 119 Mode - Truck 75 Strikes 75 Tariffs 1819 Trade Balance 933 U.S. 5348

• In new research, we show how the EU Deforestation Regulation will have an effect on supply chains, ranging from food and personal care to autos and furniture. Elsewhere in commodities, there have been further Indian food trade restrictions and a mainland Chinese seafood import ban to contend with.
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