An Empty Feeling in Virginian Port Handling Growth in May — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

An Empty Feeling in Virginian Port Handling Growth in May

Corp - Ports 882 Mode - Containerized 1473 Mode - Seaborne 1804 U.S. 5323

Container handling through ports in the U.S. state of Virginia increased by 13% on a year earlier in May. That was the third straight month growth, and led by a 31% jump in handling of empty containers. That echoes a pattern seen in the state of Georgia’s ports. Imports of loaded containers also outpaced exports, with a 9% growth vs. 6% for exports. The increase in imports was the result of a 44% jump in imports from China and Hong Kong, Panjiva data shows, while shipments from Brazil and Singapore slumped. That may indicate a reallocation of volumes across ports by carriers following th...

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