Cali’s Magic 8 Conceals Shrinking Export Handling — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Cali’s Magic 8 Conceals Shrinking Export Handling

Corp - Ports 882 Mode - Containerized 1473 Mode - Seaborne 1804 U.S. 5323

California’s three largest port complexes experienced an 8% expansion in handling in June. All three also saw a rapid rise in empty container handling and exports of full containers that lagged imports. Long Beach had the fastest rate of growth with a 9% expansion, including a 27% jump in empty container handling. Exports actually dropped 8%, making the second month of declines. Los Angeles, which was delayed in reporting due to the Petya computer virus, increased its handling by 8% while Oakland’s traffic rose 5%. Taking the three together California’s imports improved by 6% but exports...

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