Climbing Airfreight Utilization Raises Aerospace Trade Deal Stakes for Trump — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Climbing Airfreight Utilization Raises Aerospace Trade Deal Stakes for Trump

Global 1389 Logistics 476 Mode - Airfreight 181 Trade Deals 1000 U.S. 5325 USMCA 456

Global air cargo volumes increased 8% on a year earlier in February according to IATA. That was the 11th straight rise, and was led by a 12% expansion for Asia-Pacific airlines. That may partly reflect the lunar new year. Overseas handling by North American airlines increased 8%, suggesting they may have done better than seaborne shippers based on U.S. import and export figures. Load factors expanded at their fastest rate since December 2010, and with six straight months of expansion the industry may be ready to increase capacity. That raises the stakes for the Trump administration in pr...

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