Daimler Plans to Buy American More, But Not Because of Trump — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Daimler Plans to Buy American More, But Not Because of Trump

Cons. Discr. - Autos 1184 Germany 244 U.S. 5323

Automaker Daimler “sees value” in purchasing more components for its U.S. factories from within the U.S. rather than from overseas. The announcement was made before President Donald Trump’s recent European trip and criticism of German automakers. Instead the company cites “increased efficiency” for the move. Panjiva analysis of over 400 product-country pairs shows that sourcing of plastic panels, engines and transmission units from Germany are the largest area of imports to the U.S. by the firm. Imports from South Korea and China are also important. Suppliers from outside the Daimler gro...

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