Everglades Glides to Growth as $438 Million Investment Approved — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Everglades Glides to Growth as $438 Million Investment Approved

Corp - Ports 884 Logistics 476 Mode - Containerized 1475 Mode - Seaborne 1806 U.S. 5325

Port Everglades in Florida will invest $438 million to add five new berths and two new cranes. That comes against the backdrop of investment across the industry including major projects in New York and Virginia on the east coast alone. Panjiva data shows the port has been one of the fastest expanding in the region. Import handling in the 12 months to April 30 was 12%, far outstripping Jacksonville’s 5% expansion and Miami’s 3% contraction. Port authorities will be keen to keep up with growth in the larger ports to the north, including Savannah which grew 12% despite already being 2.6x th...

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