Jets Wash Out Panama Effect as Northwest PCCI Climbs 5% — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Jets Wash Out Panama Effect as Northwest PCCI Climbs 5%

Corp - Ports 882 Mode - Airfreight 181 Mode - Containerized 1473 Mode - Seaborne 1804 U.S. 5323

Airfreight handed by SeaTac airport jumped 34% on a year earlier in January as a result of DHL Express having moved its hub there in May 2016. That included a 30% expansion in international imports, showing the importance of the airport as a hub. That far outpaced the performance from the local seaports. These handled 8% fewer incoming containers than a year earlier. That was likely due to a loss of market share of Asian traffic due to the expansion of the Panama Canal. Nonetheless, the impact of air traffic growth meant the Panjiva Combined Cargo Index for the northwest climbed 5% on a ...

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