LVMH Stuck In The Middle of the Trump-Macron Digital Tax Spat — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

LVMH Stuck In The Middle of the Trump-Macron Digital Tax Spat

Consumer Staples 769 France 156 Tariffs 1810 United Kingdom 375

President Donald Trump has threatened President Emmanuel Macron that he is “going to tax your wine” if France proceeds with its digital services tax. Action is unlikely in the short-term given the section 301 review underpinning the threat is still at the consultative stage through mid August. French exports of wine to the U.S. reached a record high of $2.1 billion in the 12 months to May 31 after rising 6.6% year over year. U.S. exports to France meanwhile were worth just $82 million. The fastest growing French exporter to the U.S. has been LVMH following a 37.2% year over year growth i...

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