New Administration, Old Schedule So Far for Ross’s First Two Trade Cases — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

New Administration, Old Schedule So Far for Ross’s First Two Trade Cases

Australia 125 Brazil 398 China 2977 Commodities 189 Materials - Metals/Mining 754 Metals - Aluminum 251 Tariffs 1799 U.S. 5323

The U.S. Department of Commerce has decided to proceed with investigations into imports of aluminum foil and silicon metal, the first two petitions under the Trump administration. The decision, made within 20 days, is somewhat quicker than normal, but has yet to formally diverge from a schedule that would result in duties only in December this year. They may be test cases for Secretary Ross’s determination to accelerate reviews. Chinese exporters of aluminum foil sent 36% more product to the U.S. in January than a year earlier. That was similar to levels seen globally, suggesting no “rus...

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