Olympic Absence Trims American Imports, But Chinese Deficit Hits New High — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Olympic Absence Trims American Imports, But Chinese Deficit Hits New High

China 2989 Mexico 892 Trade Balance 933 U.S. 5336

The U.S. goods and services trade balanced increased by 3% in August vs. a year earlier – the ninth increase in the past 12 months. While it has fallen vs. January there is considerable seasonality in the goods component. The $42.7 billion was slightly smaller than forecast, likely the result of the growth in services imports (2%) being slower than exports (4%) for the first time in 30 months. That was the result of a 15% drop in intellectual property consumption – last August included the 2016 Olympics. Politically the administration of President Trump will be more focussed on the goods...

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