Philippine Export Slowdown Arrested by PC and Chip Buyers Outside China — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Philippine Export Slowdown Arrested by PC and Chip Buyers Outside China

China 2979 Info Tech - Tech Hardware 803 Philippines 56 Trade Balance 932

Export growth in the Philippines hit the buffers in July, with a 1% increase on a year earlier compared to economists’ expectations of a 14% expansion. Shipments to China slowed to a 9% expansion from 25% the month before, while those to Japan continued to fall. The slowdown was most marked outside the technology space – with petroleum down 60% and apparel dropping 25% – there were also challenges in semiconductors and PCs. Shipments of semiconductors to China increased by just 7%, though sales to other countries jumped by a potentially unsustainable 39%. In PCs sales to China were uncha...

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