U.K. Zero-Tariff Brexit Offer Faces Divergent EU Trade Surpluses — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

U.K. Zero-Tariff Brexit Offer Faces Divergent EU Trade Surpluses

Brexit 175 European Union 832 Trade Deals 1000 United Kingdom 371

The U.K. government has outlined a negotiating position for its ‘Brexit’ trade negotiations with the EU. It calls for a unique deal that starts with the current position of zero tariffs in either direction on goods and a continuation of common regulatory standards. It does not want to start from a blank piece of paper. Panjiva analysis shows that only five EU members have a trade deficit vs. the U.K., while eight have a surplus worth over 1% of their GDP. That suggests limited room for agreement within the EU as to how tough a line to take on the British tariff proposal.

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