Venezuela Sanctions Could Cause Problems for Chevron, Valero — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Venezuela Sanctions Could Cause Problems for Chevron, Valero

Energy - Conventional 450 Energy - Crude Oil 301 Sanctions 164 U.S. 5336 Venezuela 66

The U.S. government may be considering applying sanctions against Venezuelan oil exports after opposition to them from the White House subsided. Previous plans, floated by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in June 2018, had been shelved due to concerns about the impact on the Venezuelan economy more broadly and the government’s ability to buy food specifically. The consideration comes as U.S. seaborne oil imports from Venezuela’s PdVSA have started to recover with a 33.9% year over year surge in the fourth quarter. That was largely down to a 128.7% jump in imports by Chevron – Venezuela is ...

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