Is the Pessimistic WTO Being Too Optimistic? — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Is the Pessimistic WTO Being Too Optimistic?

Brazil 399 China 2979 Elections 121 European Union 832 Global 1389 Japan 605 Mexico 887 Trade Balance 932 Trade Deals 1000 U.S. 5325 WTO 114

The end of the third quarter has brought a slew of negative comments on the outlook for world trade from the WTO, who cut their forecasts to the lowest since 2009, the IMF and the World Economic Forum. Yet, Panjiva analysis of the economic data from five major economies suggest there is further downside risk. Only Mexico has shown growth in exports and imports year-to-date in local currency, while the U.S., China and Japan have all shrunk on a year earlier through August 31. Without a major resurgence in the last four months, there is a risk world trade falls this year. More protectionis...

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