CAFTA-DR Labor Appeal Loss for U.S. Shouldn’t Mean Renegotiation — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

CAFTA-DR Labor Appeal Loss for U.S. Shouldn’t Mean Renegotiation

Guatemala 12 Trade Deals 1000 U.S. 5323

The U.S. has lost an appeal against Guatemala’s labor laws as part of the CAFTA-DR trade deal’s arbitration process. It had alleged Guatemala hadn’t implemented rules on the right-to-organize among others, resulting in an unfair trade advantage. The ruling, which took six years to complete, comes as the U.S. assesses whether all its trade deals “contribute favorably” to the deficit. In that regard CAFTA-DR is unlikely to be renegotiated. The U.S. ran a trade surplus of $6.1 billion in the 12 months to April 30 with the group, vs. a $1.8 billion deficit in the 12 months before it took eff...

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