COSCO Pacific Lags Hong Kong Holiday Growth, Expands Elsewhere — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

COSCO Pacific Lags Hong Kong Holiday Growth, Expands Elsewhere

China 2977 Corp - Ports 882 Logistics 476 Mode - Containerized 1473 Mode - Seaborne 1804 U.S. 5323

COSCO Pacific’s container handling in China increased 3% in December, bringing the full year growth 1% growth. Pearl River ports were the standout, with the region’s traffic increasing for the first time in 2016. Yantian port traffic was 3% higher and Guangzhou 2% higher – the region serves toy- and technology-heavy Guangdong province. The company’s Hong Kong ports saw volumes fall 8%, underperforming the total for all Hong Kong port operators. The latter experienced volume growth of 15%. That was the fastest rate since April 2011 and may be explained by the early lunar new year holiday....

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