Did Kia Overestimate U.S. Sales for March? — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Did Kia Overestimate U.S. Sales for March?

Cons. Discr. - Autos 1186 South Korea 581 U.S. 5325

South Korean exports of completed cars fell 5% on a year earlier in March according to KAMA data, the 20th drop in the past 24 months. That was led by a 7% slide in global shipments by Kia, which followed a 12% jump in February. Kia’s U.S. sales fell 11% in March, while Panjiva data shows U.S. imports of vehicles from South Korea jumped 35% in March. The reduced exports suggest Kia has concerns about inventory build-up in the U.S., or that sales may not recover in the next two months.

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