Ross-Joo Meeting May Be The Reality of U.S. Trade Dealings — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Ross-Joo Meeting May Be The Reality of U.S. Trade Dealings

Cons. Discr. - Autos 1186 Energy - Conventional 449 Energy - Natural Gas 153 Industrials - Capital Goods 585 South Korea 581 Trade Deals 1000 U.S. 5325

U.S. Commerce Secretary Ross’s meeting with Trade Minister Joo of South Korea does not appear to have presaged a mass renegotiation of the KORUS trade deal. That had been a potential issue after the recent USTR publication on trade policy. Instead there was a focus on investment in manufacturing and energy. The former likely reflects the potential for investments by Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics in U.S. factories. Panjiva analysis shows South Korean exports to the U.S. are dominated by electrical and mechanical engineering products. Autos are particularly important. The U.S. als...

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