Faster Foil Findings May Be Result of U.S. Aluminum Case — Panjiva

Faster Foil Findings May Be Result of U.S. Aluminum Case

China 3014 Materials - Metals/Mining 777 Metals - Aluminum 262 Tariffs 1832 U.S. 5362 USMCA 458

The U.S. ITC will review an appeal against Chinese exports of aluminum foil, which a trade association has alleged have been dumped at margins of up to 134%. A preliminary decision is due within 45 days, but could take a year to fully resolve. The case has a parallel in one brought by India against Chinese exports, and should also be seen against the backdrop of the U.S. case against Chinese primary aluminum exports at the WTO. Panjiva data shows Chinese exports to the U.S. climbed 38% in 2016 vs. 2013. However total U.S. imports increased by just 20% over the same period. Chinese suppli...

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