Global Ports’ 10% Expansion in March Shows World Trade Alive and Kicking — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Global Ports’ 10% Expansion in March Shows World Trade Alive and Kicking

Brazil 398 China 2977 Corp - Ports 882 Mexico 885 Singapore 69 South Africa 45 U.S. 5323

Global port activity was strong in March, Panjiva analysis of seven countries shows. Total container handling across China (mainland and Hong Kong), South Korea, Singapore, the U.S., Mexico and Brazil increased 9.9% on a year earlier, bringing the first quarter to a 6.6% increase. When combined with a 14% rise in air cargo handling, as outlined in Panjiva research of May 3, that supports the idea of continued global trade growth after a 2.5% rise in February.

A 26.5% increase in Mexican imports and exports led the way, Panjiva data shows. Meanwhile Brazil was the only country to shrink, by just 0.7% as a rise in imports offset lower exports. In Asia Hong Kong grew the quickest, outpacing mainland China, Singapore and South Korea. The U.S. meanwhile expanded 11.8%, led by a jump in handling in California.


Chart shows change in port handling in past month and past quarter. Bubble size indicates total TEUs handled. Note U.S. includes eight ports only (LA, Long Beach, Oakland, Savannah, Norfolk, Charleston, Puget Sound and New York). Source: Panjiva

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