Hamburg Sud’s Brazilian Domination Extends — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Hamburg Sud’s Brazilian Domination Extends

Brazil 399 Corp - Shipping 981 Mode - Containerized 1475 Mode - Seaborne 1806 Theme - Alliances 97

Brazil’s total trade only increased 0.5% in December on a year earlier, but containerized freight jumped 9%. That should have allowed most shippers to expand their operations, and all but seven of the top 25 did. Those that didn’t include the Asian shippers NYK, Yang Ming and Hyundai MM. COSCO was an outlier as it more than doubled its handling, taking it to eighth by size for the fourth quarter from tenth a year earlier. The biggest shipper, Hamburg Sud, was also the biggest market share winner. It added nearly 2% points to its market share to reach just under 26% when combined with Ali...

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