Higher Costs for Consumers Coming Down the Soil Pipe — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Higher Costs for Consumers Coming Down the Soil Pipe

China 2979 Materials - Construction 113 Materials - Metals/Mining 755 Metals - Steel 518 Tariffs 1801 U.S. 5325

The U.S. Commerce Department will investigate Chinese exports of soil pipe fittings after a petition received in mid-July. It will be one of the smallest cases under investigation, with just $8 million of imports in the 12 months to June 30. While China is a broader trade policy target for the Trump administration, it seems unlikely this product would be captured in the broader national security review of the iron and steel industry. Imports have already fallen, by 24% in June. Costs for consumers are rising though, with the average import cost per kg having risen 16% in 2Q vs. the previ...

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