Holidays or Hang-Ups? U.S. Phone Imports Slump in February — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Holidays or Hang-Ups? U.S. Phone Imports Slump in February

China 2979 Info Tech - Comms Equip 229 South Korea 581 Taiwan 210 U.S. 5325

U.S. mobile phone imports slumped 13% in February on a year earlier, the lowest since February 2013. That was likely the result of the timing of the lunar new year, though taking February and January together imports only increased 2%. Shipments from South Korea and Vietnam, partly representing Samsung Electronics’ production, dropped 11% over the two month period. That probably reflects reduced sales ahead of S8 deliveries in April. The value of exports from Taiwan fell 14%, including a 63% slump in units shipped. Google’s Pixel is produced there, suggesting a slow uptake of the phone.<...

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