New Zealand Deficit Soars as Jets Fly, Timber Falls — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

New Zealand Deficit Soars as Jets Fly, Timber Falls

Ags - Forestry 124 Ags - Meat/Dairy 251 China 2977 New Zealand 36 Trade Balance 932 U.S. 5323

New Zealand’s trade deficit hit an all-time high in September. Imports rose 2% on aircraft deliveries, while exports dropped for a third straight month by 6%. Exports to the U.S. slumped 19%, which may include the effect of lower lumber exports to the U.S, Panjiva data shows. One bright spot is China – exports increased 14%, the 14th rise out of 16 months with milk and meat products doing well. These may suffer though as a Chinese milk producer looks to increase exports from competitor Australia.

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