New Zealand’s Appetite for Oil, China’s Desire for Dairy Drives Trade — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

New Zealand’s Appetite for Oil, China’s Desire for Dairy Drives Trade

Ags - Meat/Dairy 252 China 2979 Energy - Crude Oil 301 Energy - Refined Oil 198 New Zealand 36 Trade Balance 932

New Zealand reported a trade deficit of $200 million in January, much wider than that expected by economists. The main culprit was an 8% rise in imports, which itself was due to a 53% jump in the value of oil product shipments. Exports slowed to a growth of just 0.3%, which was supported by a 12% expansion in sales to China. These have now expanded for six straight months, and have been led by dairy exports, Panjiva data shows. Its relations with China have worsened recently, though it is still trying to expand exports in areas such as fruit.

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