Obama-Era Grain Dispute Adds Another Front to Trump’s China Trade Battle — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Obama-Era Grain Dispute Adds Another Front to Trump’s China Trade Battle

Ags - Grains/Beans 300 China 2978 Consumer Staples 764 Tariffs 1800 U.S. 5324 WTO 114

The WTO has granted a U.S. request to review Chinese tariff-rate quotas on corn, rice and wheat imports. The dispute was launched by the Obama administration, but will likely be continued given the Trump administration’s hawkish stance on trade. U.S. exports of the three foodstuffs climbed 194% in the past quarter on a year earlier, including a 12x increase in corn and 59% growth in wheat. Rice shipments were negligible. Yet, the Chinese market may have room to purchase American rice given China’s global imports expanded 35% to reach $475 million in the past quarter.

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