PPG faces escalating costs, turns to nearshoring — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

PPG faces escalating costs, turns to nearshoring

Earnings 726 Materials - Chemicals 237 Quote Watch 452 U.S. 5318

PPG, a maker of coatings and paints, announced Q4 results reporting an increase in revenue of 11.5% year over year, 3.5% higher than analyst expectations. Despite the increase in revenue, however, profits fell by 9.3% year over year, likely due to a 27.8% year over year increase in COGS. CEO Michael McGarry noted the challenges facing the firm’s supply chain, saying on the Jan 21 call that “Raw material cost inflation was up approximately 30% compared to prior year, and transportation costs spiked due to shortages of available trucks and drivers.” Panjiva data Q4, meanwhile shows a 70.1%...

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