Singapore Slings Less Oil As Container Trade Condensed — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Singapore Slings Less Oil As Container Trade Condensed

Corp - Ports 884 Energy - Conventional 449 Energy - Crude Oil 301 Mode - Seaborne 1806 Singapore 69

Container handling through Singapore’s ports climbed 12% on a year earlier in July, outpacing a 7% drop in non-containerized traffic. That was the result of a 9% slump in oil handling, and made the fifth straight month that containerized freight did better than non-containerized. Yet, the containerized business is becoming more reliant on fewer lanes. Shipments to the U.S. fell 10% in the past quarter on a year earlier, while two ports (Newark and Los Angeles) accounted for 50% of traffic from 39% a year earlier.

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