Small Stage, Sticky Situation for Corn Syrup Trade — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Small Stage, Sticky Situation for Corn Syrup Trade

Ags - Grains/Beans 300 China 2977 Consumer Staples 763 Indonesia 101 Philippines 56 Tariffs 1799 U.S. 5323 WTO 114

China wants to reduce its grain stockpiles, according to a government interview, by exporting more corn products. Panjiva data shows China’s exports of corn starches and syrups climbed 28% in the 12 months to November 30 on a year earlier to $327 million. Growth was largest in supplies to the Philippines and Indonesia. Both countries used to import corn syrup from the U.S. Exports from the U.S. increased just 5% in the past 12 months, but when excluding Mexico and Canada they fell 29%. While coming from a small base, Chinese suppliers appear to be winning market share. Corn syrup may bec...

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