South Korea’s Surge Will Be Red Rag To Trump’s Bull — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

South Korea’s Surge Will Be Red Rag To Trump’s Bull

Industrials - Capital Goods 585 Info Tech - Tech Hardware 803 Materials - Metals/Mining 755 Metals - Steel 518 South Korea 581 Trade Balance 932 Trade Deals 1000 U.S. 5325

South Korea’s export surge continued in September, with exports jumping 35% on a year earlier to a new record. That outpaced import growth for a third month with the result that the country’s trade surplus also reached a new record. A weaker currency helped, but demand for South Korea’s products across Asia – especially China – remained strong. Consumer demand for electronics likely drove the 70% rise in semiconductor exports, while protectionist fears and higher input costs may be the reason behind a 107% boom in steel shipments. Exports to the U.S. climbed 29%, compared to a slide of 2...

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