U.K. Exports Hit New High, But Following Winds May Subside — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

U.K. Exports Hit New High, But Following Winds May Subside

European Union 831 Trade Balance 932 U.S. 5323 United Kingdom 371

U.K. exports jumped 22% on a year earlier in March to reach a new high. While significant that may have been below economists’ forecasts as it resulted in a trade deficit that was 60% bigger than expected. Shipments to the EU grew by 25% and to the U.S. by 23%. However, that was helped by a 15% weakening in the pound which made British goods cheaper. The currency benefit will unwind as the anniversary of the Brexit vote approaches. Panjiva data also shows U.S.-bound seaborne shipments increased by just 5% in April. British managers’ export outlook is still positive, though sentiment may ...

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