Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd

Shipping Company Profile | SCAC: KKLU

Shipments Processed

  • 7,056,334
    Shipments Processed (U.S. Imports)

Shipments by Month

Aug 2007Apr 2009Dec 2010Aug 2012Apr 2014Dec 2015Aug 2017Apr 2019Dec 2020Aug 2022Apr 2024020K40K60K80K

TEUs by Month

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11,972 Vessels used by KKLU

Foreign Ports

364 Foreign Ports used by KKLU

Top KKLU Foreign Ports

  1. Shanghai
  2. Yantian
  3. Hong Kong

U.S. Ports

147 U.S. Ports used by KKLU

Top KKLU U.S. Ports

  1. Port of Long Beach
  2. Port of Tacoma
  3. The Port of Los Angeles
