10 Billion Reasons for Putin and Trump To Talk Trade — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

10 Billion Reasons for Putin and Trump To Talk Trade

Commodities 189 Energy - Crude Oil 301 Energy - Refined Oil 198 Metals - Aluminum 252 Metals - Steel 518 Politics 153 Russia 119 Trade Balance 932 Trade Deals 1000 U.S. 5325

Russia reported a 35% expansion in exports in March, led by a 44% rise in energy revenues on higher oil prices. Shipments to the U.S. increased 53%, the seventh straight month of growth. That helped the Russian trade surplus globally to its highest since June 2015. Russia’s surplus with the U.S. in the 12 months to March 31 reached $10 billion. While a fraction of its peak in 2011, it is still 34% above its recent trough due to energy being 34% of Russia’s exports to America. So far talks between the Trump and Putin administrations have focussed on national security rather than trade. Th...

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